Flux & Brazing Aids

Common Trade NamesApplicable SpecificationsCommon Uses
Handy Flux Stay-Silv Flux Ultra FluxAMS3410 O-F-499D Type B AWS A5.31 Type FB3A MSRR9500/132All purpose white paste flux for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous materials; Active temperature between 1100 °F (593 °C) and 1600 °F (871 °C)
Handy Flux Type B-1 Stay-Silv Black Flux Black FluxAMS3411 AWS A5.31 Type FB3C MSRR9500/133Black paste flux for Stainless Steel, Carbides, and Molybdenum; Active temperature between 1100 °F (593 °C) and 1800 °F (982 °C)
Handy Flux Hi-Temp PWA809For brazing temperatures between 1600 °F (871 °C) and 2000 °F (1093 °C)
Handy Flux Hi-Temp Boron ModifiedAMS3417 AWS A5.31 Type FB3DFor high-temperature brazing between 1600 °F (871 °C) and 2200 °F (1204 °C), where refractory oxides may form; Copper and Gold-Nickel brazng alloys
Alumibraze AMS3415 AWS A5.31 Type FB1C For Aluminum Brazing

Common Trade NamesDescriptionCommon Uses
Type I Green Solvent Based Stop-off Surface protection. Prevents filler metal from bonding to a protected surface, May also be used as a masking agent for thermal sprayed metallic coatings.
Type II Green Water Based Stop-off Surface protection. Prevents filler metal from bonding to a protected surface, May also be used as a masking agent for thermal sprayed metallic coatings. Also available in pens.
Type II Yellow Water Based Stop-off General purpose stop-off used in controlled atmosphere furnace and torch brazing, as well as in molten salt bath dip brazing. Can be used on almost any base metal except reactive metals.
Type I White Solvent Based Stop-off Acts as a parting compound. Special grade designed for furnace brazing. Prevents accidental brazing of mating surfaces, stacked parts, or parts to fixtures. Prevents flow of molten brazing filler metal, and easy to remove.
Type II White Water Based Stop-off Acts as a parting compound. Special grade designed for furnace brazing. Prevents accidental brazing of mating surfaces, stacked parts, or parts to fixtures. Prevents flow of molten brazing filler metal, and easy to remove.
Type II Red Water Based Stop-off Acts as a parting compound and filler metal barrier. Works on any base metal surface and designed for furnace use. Residue is easily removed and soluble in dilute acid.
Type I Orange Solvent Based Stop-off Prevents accidental brazing of mating surfaces and unwanted flow of filler metal. Special formula for very high-vacuum furnace applications and for use with Titanium and Zirconium. Used in super-plastic forming operations.
Type II Orange Water Based Stop-off Prevents accidental brazing of mating surfaces and unwanted flow of filler metal. Special formula for very high-vacuum furnace applications and for use with Titanium and Zirconium. Used in super-plastic forming operations.
Type II Blue Water Based Stop-off Performs in extremely high temperatures. Formulated for use on reactive base metals such as Titanium and Zirconium.
White Stopyt Solvent Based Stop-off Aluminum oxide based stop off compound for furnace brazing applications.
Pink Stopyt Type 62A Solvent Based Stop-off Yttria oxide based stop-off compound for high temperature furnace brazing applications.
1AL Braz Stop Water Based Stop-off Aluminum oxide based stop off compound for furnace brazing applications.
1YT Braz Stop Water Based Stop-off Yttria oxide based stop-off compound for high temperature furnace brazing applications.

Common Trade NamesDescriptionCommon Uses
Aimtek 310V Braze CementLiquid binder cementModerate viscosity (650-850 Cp) water based cement which may be mixed directly with or applied over powders to cement them into place
Nicroblast Grit Iron based grit blast media Silica and Oxide-free blast media for preparing surfaces prior to brazing. Enhances base metal surfaces to improve brazing filler metal flow and wettability. Nickel, Chromium, and Iron based.
Type S Binder Water based gel binder General purpose braze paste binder. Can be mixed with any brazing filler metal powder to produce a paste for application with hand or air powered applicators.
Nicrobraz Cements Liquid plastic media Used for mixing with brazing filler metal powders to ensure adhesion to base metal during handling and brazing. Can be applied by spray gun, brush, eydropper, or syringe. Available in types 310, 320, 510, 520, 650, 680, and 1020.